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Module sui_system::validator_set

use std::address;
use std::ascii;
use std::bcs;
use std::option;
use std::string;
use std::type_name;
use std::u64;
use std::vector;
use sui::address;
use sui::bag;
use sui::balance;
use sui::coin;
use sui::config;
use sui::deny_list;
use sui::dynamic_field;
use sui::dynamic_object_field;
use sui::event;
use sui::hex;
use sui::object;
use sui::priority_queue;
use sui::sui;
use sui::table;
use sui::table_vec;
use sui::transfer;
use sui::tx_context;
use sui::types;
use sui::url;
use sui::vec_map;
use sui::vec_set;
use sui::versioned;
use sui_system::staking_pool;
use sui_system::validator;
use sui_system::validator_cap;
use sui_system::validator_wrapper;
use sui_system::voting_power;

Struct ValidatorSet

public struct ValidatorSet has store
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total_stake: u64
Total amount of stake from all active validators at the beginning of the epoch. Written only once, at the very end of advance_epoch
active_validators: vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>
The current list of active validators.
pending_active_validators: sui::table_vec::TableVec<sui_system::validator::Validator>
List of new validator candidates added during the current epoch. They will be processed at the end of the epoch.
pending_removals: vector<u64>
Removal requests from the validators. Each element is an index pointing to active_validators.
staking_pool_mappings: sui::table::Table<sui::object::ID, address>
Mappings from staking pool's ID to the sui address of a validator.
inactive_validators: sui::table::Table<sui::object::ID, sui_system::validator_wrapper::ValidatorWrapper>
Mapping from a staking pool ID to the inactive validator that has that pool as its staking pool. When a validator is deactivated the validator is removed from active_validators it is added to this table so that stakers can continue to withdraw their stake from it.
validator_candidates: sui::table::Table<address, sui_system::validator_wrapper::ValidatorWrapper>
Table storing preactive/candidate validators, mapping their addresses to their Validator structs. When an address calls request_add_validator_candidate, they get added to this table and become a preactive validator. When the candidate has met the min stake requirement, they can call request_add_validator to officially add them to the active validator set active_validators next epoch.
at_risk_validators: sui::vec_map::VecMap<address, u64>
Table storing the number of epochs during which a validator's stake has been below the low stake threshold.
extra_fields: sui::bag::Bag
Any extra fields that's not defined statically.

Struct ValidatorEpochInfoEvent

Event containing staking and rewards related information of each validator, emitted during epoch advancement.

public struct ValidatorEpochInfoEvent has copy, drop
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epoch: u64
validator_address: address
reference_gas_survey_quote: u64
stake: u64
commission_rate: u64
pool_staking_reward: u64
storage_fund_staking_reward: u64
pool_token_exchange_rate: sui_system::staking_pool::PoolTokenExchangeRate
tallying_rule_reporters: vector<address>
tallying_rule_global_score: u64

Struct ValidatorEpochInfoEventV2

V2 of ValidatorEpochInfoEvent containing more information about the validator.

public struct ValidatorEpochInfoEventV2 has copy, drop
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epoch: u64
validator_address: address
reference_gas_survey_quote: u64
stake: u64
voting_power: u64
commission_rate: u64
pool_staking_reward: u64
storage_fund_staking_reward: u64
pool_token_exchange_rate: sui_system::staking_pool::PoolTokenExchangeRate
tallying_rule_reporters: vector<address>
tallying_rule_global_score: u64

Struct ValidatorJoinEvent

Event emitted every time a new validator joins the committee. The epoch value corresponds to the first epoch this change takes place.

public struct ValidatorJoinEvent has copy, drop
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epoch: u64
validator_address: address
staking_pool_id: sui::object::ID

Struct ValidatorLeaveEvent

Event emitted every time a validator leaves the committee. The epoch value corresponds to the first epoch this change takes place.

public struct ValidatorLeaveEvent has copy, drop
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epoch: u64
validator_address: address
staking_pool_id: sui::object::ID
is_voluntary: bool

Struct VotingPowerAdmissionStartEpochKey

Key for the extra_fields bag to store the start epoch of allowing admission of new validators based on a minimum voting power rather than a minimum stake.

public struct VotingPowerAdmissionStartEpochKey has copy, drop, store
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const ANY_VALIDATOR: u8 = 3;

const BASIS_POINT_DENOMINATOR: u128 = 10000;

const EAlreadyValidatorCandidate: u64 = 6;

const EDuplicateValidator: u64 = 2;

const EInvalidCap: u64 = 101;

const EInvalidStakeAdjustmentAmount: u64 = 1;

const EMinJoiningStakeNotReached: u64 = 5;

const ENoPoolFound: u64 = 3;

const ENonValidatorInReportRecords: u64 = 0;

const ENotAPendingValidator: u64 = 12;

const ENotAValidator: u64 = 4;

const ENotActiveOrPendingValidator: u64 = 9;

const ENotValidatorCandidate: u64 = 8;

const EStakingBelowThreshold: u64 = 10;

const EValidatorAlreadyRemoved: u64 = 11;

const EValidatorNotCandidate: u64 = 7;

const EValidatorSetEmpty: u64 = 13;

const MIN_STAKING_THRESHOLD: u64 = 1000000000;

Function new

public(package) fun new(init_active_validators: vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext): sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet
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public(package) fun new(init_active_validators: vector<Validator>, ctx: &mut TxContext): ValidatorSet {
    let total_stake = calculate_total_stakes(&init_active_validators);
    let mut staking_pool_mappings = table::new(ctx);
    let num_validators = init_active_validators.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < num_validators) {
        let validator = &init_active_validators[i];
        staking_pool_mappings.add(staking_pool_id(validator), sui_address(validator));
        i = i + 1;
    let mut validators = ValidatorSet {
        active_validators: init_active_validators,
        pending_active_validators: table_vec::empty(ctx),
        pending_removals: vector[],
        inactive_validators: table::new(ctx),
        validator_candidates: table::new(ctx),
        at_risk_validators: vec_map::empty(),
        extra_fields: bag::new(ctx),
    voting_power::set_voting_power(&mut validators.active_validators, total_stake);

Function request_add_validator_candidate

Called by sui_system to add a new validator candidate.

public(package) fun request_add_validator_candidate(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator: sui_system::validator::Validator, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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public(package) fun request_add_validator_candidate(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    validator: Validator,
    ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
    // The next assertions are not critical for the protocol, but they are here to catch problematic configs earlier.
        !is_duplicate_with_active_validator(self, &validator)
            && !is_duplicate_with_pending_validator(self, &validator),
    let validator_address = sui_address(&validator);
    assert!(validator.is_preactive(), EValidatorNotCandidate);
    // Add validator to the candidates mapping and the pool id mappings so that users can start
    // staking with this candidate.
    self.staking_pool_mappings.add(staking_pool_id(&validator), validator_address);
        validator_wrapper::create_v1(validator, ctx),

Function request_remove_validator_candidate

Called by sui_system to remove a validator candidate, and move them to inactive_validators.

public(package) fun request_remove_validator_candidate(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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public(package) fun request_remove_validator_candidate(self: &mut ValidatorSet, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
    let validator_address = ctx.sender();
    let wrapper = self.validator_candidates.remove(validator_address);
    let mut validator = wrapper.destroy();
    assert!(validator.is_preactive(), EValidatorNotCandidate);
    let staking_pool_id = staking_pool_id(&validator);
    // Remove the validator's staking pool from mappings.
    // Deactivate the staking pool.
    // Add to the inactive tables.
        validator_wrapper::create_v1(validator, ctx),

Function request_add_validator

Called by sui_system to add a new validator to pending_active_validators, which will be processed at the end of epoch.

public(package) fun request_add_validator(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, ctx: &sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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public(package) fun request_add_validator(self: &mut ValidatorSet, ctx: &TxContext) {
    let validator_address = ctx.sender();
    let wrapper = self.validator_candidates.remove(validator_address);
    let validator = wrapper.destroy();
        !is_duplicate_with_active_validator(self, &validator)
            && !is_duplicate_with_pending_validator(self, &validator),
    assert!(validator.is_preactive(), EValidatorNotCandidate);
    assert!(self.can_join(validator.total_stake_amount(), ctx), EMinJoiningStakeNotReached);

Function can_join

Return true if a candidate validator with stake will have sufficeint voting power to join the validator set

fun can_join(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, stake: u64, ctx: &sui::tx_context::TxContext): bool
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fun can_join(self: &ValidatorSet, stake: u64, ctx: &TxContext): bool {
    let (min_joining_voting_power, _, _) = self.get_voting_power_thresholds(ctx);
    // if the validator will have at least `min_joining_voting_power` after joining, they can join.
    // this formula comes from SIP-39 TODO link once landed
    let future_total_stake = self.total_stake + stake;
    let future_validator_voting_power = voting_power::derive_voting_power(stake, future_total_stake);
    future_validator_voting_power >= min_joining_voting_power

Function get_voting_power_thresholds

return (min, low, very low voting power) thresholds

fun get_voting_power_thresholds(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, ctx: &sui::tx_context::TxContext): (u64, u64, u64)
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fun get_voting_power_thresholds(self: &ValidatorSet, ctx: &TxContext): (u64, u64, u64) {
    let start_epoch = {
        let key = VotingPowerAdmissionStartEpochKey();
        if (self.extra_fields.contains(key)) *self.extra_fields.borrow(key)
        else ctx.epoch() + 1 // will give us the phase 1 values
    // these numbers come from SIP-39 TODO link once landed
    let phase_length = 14; // phases are 14 days = 14 epochs
    let epoch = ctx.epoch();
    if (epoch < start_epoch + phase_length) { // phase 1
        (12, 8, 4)
    } else if (epoch < start_epoch + (2 * phase_length)) { // phase 2
        (6, 4, 2)
    } else { // phase 3
        (3, 2, 1)

Function assert_no_pending_or_active_duplicates

public(package) fun assert_no_pending_or_active_duplicates(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator: &sui_system::validator::Validator)
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public(package) fun assert_no_pending_or_active_duplicates(self: &ValidatorSet, validator: &Validator) {
    // Validator here must be active or pending, and thus must be identified as duplicate exactly once.
        count_duplicates_vec(&self.active_validators, validator) +
            count_duplicates_tablevec(&self.pending_active_validators, validator) == 1,

Function request_remove_validator

Called by sui_system, to remove a validator. The index of the validator is added to pending_removals and will be processed at the end of epoch. Only an active validator can request to be removed.

public(package) fun request_remove_validator(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, ctx: &sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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public(package) fun request_remove_validator(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    ctx: &TxContext,
) {
    let validator_address = ctx.sender();
    let mut validator_index_opt = find_validator(&self.active_validators, validator_address);
    assert!(validator_index_opt.is_some(), ENotAValidator);
    let validator_index = validator_index_opt.extract();

Function request_add_stake

Called by sui_system, to add a new stake to the validator. This request is added to the validator's staking pool's pending stake entries, processed at the end of the epoch. Aborts in case the staking amount is smaller than MIN_STAKING_THRESHOLD

public(package) fun request_add_stake(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator_address: address, stake: sui::balance::Balance<sui::sui::SUI>, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext): sui_system::staking_pool::StakedSui
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public(package) fun request_add_stake(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    validator_address: address,
    stake: Balance<SUI>,
    ctx: &mut TxContext,
) : StakedSui {
    let sui_amount = stake.value();
    assert!(sui_amount >= MIN_STAKING_THRESHOLD, EStakingBelowThreshold);
    let validator = get_candidate_or_active_validator_mut(self, validator_address);
    validator.request_add_stake(stake, ctx.sender(), ctx)

Function request_withdraw_stake

Called by sui_system, to withdraw some share of a stake from the validator. The share to withdraw is denoted by principal_withdraw_amount. One of two things occurs in this function:

  1. If the staked_sui is staked with an active validator, the request is added to the validator's staking pool's pending stake withdraw entries, processed at the end of the epoch.
  2. If the staked_sui was staked with a validator that is no longer active, the stake and any rewards corresponding to it will be immediately processed.
public(package) fun request_withdraw_stake(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, staked_sui: sui_system::staking_pool::StakedSui, ctx: &sui::tx_context::TxContext): sui::balance::Balance<sui::sui::SUI>
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public(package) fun request_withdraw_stake(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    staked_sui: StakedSui,
    ctx: &TxContext,
) : Balance<SUI> {
    let staking_pool_id = pool_id(&staked_sui);
    let validator =
        if (self.staking_pool_mappings.contains(staking_pool_id)) { // This is an active validator.
            let validator_address = self.staking_pool_mappings[pool_id(&staked_sui)];
            get_candidate_or_active_validator_mut(self, validator_address)
        } else { // This is an inactive pool.
            assert!(self.inactive_validators.contains(staking_pool_id), ENoPoolFound);
            let wrapper = &mut self.inactive_validators[staking_pool_id];
    validator.request_withdraw_stake(staked_sui, ctx)

Function convert_to_fungible_staked_sui

public(package) fun convert_to_fungible_staked_sui(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, staked_sui: sui_system::staking_pool::StakedSui, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext): sui_system::staking_pool::FungibleStakedSui
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public(package) fun convert_to_fungible_staked_sui(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    staked_sui: StakedSui,
    ctx: &mut TxContext,
) : FungibleStakedSui {
    let staking_pool_id = pool_id(&staked_sui);
    let validator =
        if (self.staking_pool_mappings.contains(staking_pool_id)) { // This is an active validator.
            let validator_address = self.staking_pool_mappings[staking_pool_id];
            get_candidate_or_active_validator_mut(self, validator_address)
        } else { // This is an inactive pool.
            assert!(self.inactive_validators.contains(staking_pool_id), ENoPoolFound);
            let wrapper = &mut self.inactive_validators[staking_pool_id];
    validator.convert_to_fungible_staked_sui(staked_sui, ctx)

Function redeem_fungible_staked_sui

public(package) fun redeem_fungible_staked_sui(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, fungible_staked_sui: sui_system::staking_pool::FungibleStakedSui, ctx: &sui::tx_context::TxContext): sui::balance::Balance<sui::sui::SUI>
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public(package) fun redeem_fungible_staked_sui(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    fungible_staked_sui: FungibleStakedSui,
    ctx: &TxContext,
) : Balance<SUI> {
    let staking_pool_id = fungible_staked_sui_pool_id(&fungible_staked_sui);
    let validator =
        if (self.staking_pool_mappings.contains(staking_pool_id)) { // This is an active validator.
            let validator_address = self.staking_pool_mappings[staking_pool_id];
            get_candidate_or_active_validator_mut(self, validator_address)
        } else { // This is an inactive pool.
            assert!(self.inactive_validators.contains(staking_pool_id), ENoPoolFound);
            let wrapper = &mut self.inactive_validators[staking_pool_id];
    validator.redeem_fungible_staked_sui(fungible_staked_sui, ctx)

Function request_set_commission_rate

public(package) fun request_set_commission_rate(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, new_commission_rate: u64, ctx: &sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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public(package) fun request_set_commission_rate(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    new_commission_rate: u64,
    ctx: &TxContext,
) {
    let validator_address = ctx.sender();
    let validator = get_validator_mut(&mut self.active_validators, validator_address);

Function advance_epoch

Update the validator set at the end of epoch. It does the following things:

  1. Distribute stake award.
  2. Process pending stake deposits and withdraws for each validator (adjust_stake).
  3. Process pending stake deposits, and withdraws.
  4. Process pending validator application and withdraws.
  5. At the end, we calculate the total stake for the new epoch.
public(package) fun advance_epoch(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, computation_reward: &mut sui::balance::Balance<sui::sui::SUI>, storage_fund_reward: &mut sui::balance::Balance<sui::sui::SUI>, validator_report_records: &mut sui::vec_map::VecMap<address, sui::vec_set::VecSet<address>>, reward_slashing_rate: u64, low_stake_grace_period: u64, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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public(package) fun advance_epoch(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    computation_reward: &mut Balance<SUI>,
    storage_fund_reward: &mut Balance<SUI>,
    validator_report_records: &mut VecMap<address, VecSet<address>>,
    reward_slashing_rate: u64,
    low_stake_grace_period: u64,
    ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
    let new_epoch = ctx.epoch() + 1;
    let total_voting_power = voting_power::total_voting_power();
    // switch to using voting power based admission, if we are not already using it
    let key = VotingPowerAdmissionStartEpochKey();
    if (!self.extra_fields.contains(key)) {
        self.extra_fields.add(key, ctx.epoch());
    // Compute the reward distribution without taking into account the tallying rule slashing.
    let (unadjusted_staking_reward_amounts, unadjusted_storage_fund_reward_amounts) = compute_unadjusted_reward_distribution(
    // Use the tallying rule report records for the epoch to compute validators that will be
    // punished.
    let slashed_validators = compute_slashed_validators(self, *validator_report_records);
    let total_slashed_validator_voting_power = sum_voting_power_by_addresses(&self.active_validators, &slashed_validators);
    // Compute the reward adjustments of slashed validators, to be taken into
    // account in adjusted reward computation.
    let (total_staking_reward_adjustment, individual_staking_reward_adjustments,
         total_storage_fund_reward_adjustment, individual_storage_fund_reward_adjustments
        ) =
            get_validator_indices(&self.active_validators, &slashed_validators),
    // Compute the adjusted amounts of stake each validator should get given the tallying rule
    // reward adjustments we computed before.
    // `compute_adjusted_reward_distribution` must be called before `distribute_reward` and `adjust_stake_and_gas_price` to
    // make sure we are using the current epoch's stake information to compute reward distribution.
    let (adjusted_staking_reward_amounts, adjusted_storage_fund_reward_amounts) = compute_adjusted_reward_distribution(
    // Distribute the rewards before adjusting stake so that we immediately start compounding
    // the rewards for validators and stakers.
        &mut self.active_validators,
    adjust_stake_and_gas_price(&mut self.active_validators);
    process_pending_stakes_and_withdraws(&mut self.active_validators, ctx);
    // Emit events after we have processed all the rewards distribution and pending stakes.
    emit_validator_epoch_events(new_epoch, &self.active_validators, &adjusted_staking_reward_amounts,
        &adjusted_storage_fund_reward_amounts, validator_report_records, &slashed_validators);
    process_pending_removals(self, validator_report_records, ctx);
    // kick low stake validators out.
    let new_total_stake = update_and_process_low_stake_departures(
    self.total_stake = new_total_stake;
    voting_power::set_voting_power(&mut self.active_validators, new_total_stake);
    // At this point, self.active_validators are updated for next epoch.
    // Now we process the staged validator metadata.

Function update_and_process_low_stake_departures

Remove validators in violation of the low staking rules, and return the new total stake

fun update_and_process_low_stake_departures(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, low_stake_grace_period: u64, validator_report_records: &mut sui::vec_map::VecMap<address, sui::vec_set::VecSet<address>>, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext): u64
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fun update_and_process_low_stake_departures(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    low_stake_grace_period: u64,
    validator_report_records: &mut VecMap<address, VecSet<address>>,
    ctx: &mut TxContext
): u64 {
    let mut pending_active_validators = vector::empty();
    while (!self.pending_active_validators.is_empty()) {
        let validator = self.pending_active_validators.pop_back();
    let pending_total_stake = calculate_total_stakes(&pending_active_validators);
    let initial_total_stake = calculate_total_stakes(&self.active_validators) + pending_total_stake;
    let (min_joining_voting_power_threshold, low_voting_power_threshold, very_low_voting_power_threshold) = self.get_voting_power_thresholds(ctx);
    // Iterate through all the active validators, record their low stake status, and kick them out if the condition is met.
    let mut total_removed_stake = 0; // amount of stake to remove due to departed_validators
    let mut i = self.active_validators.length();
    while (i > 0) {
        i = i - 1;
        let validator_ref = &self.active_validators[i];
        let validator_address = validator_ref.sui_address();
        let validator_stake = validator_ref.total_stake_amount();
        //let new_total_stake = initial_total_stake + validator_stake;
        // calculate the voting power for this validator in the next epoch if no validators are removed
        // if one of more low stake validators are removed, it's possible this validator will have higher voting power--that's ok.
        let voting_power = voting_power::derive_voting_power(validator_stake, initial_total_stake);
        if (voting_power > low_voting_power_threshold) {
            // The validator is safe. We remove their entry from the at_risk map if there exists one.
            if (self.at_risk_validators.contains(&validator_address)) {
        } else if (voting_power > very_low_voting_power_threshold) {
            // The stake is a bit below the threshold so we increment the entry of the validator in the map.
            let new_low_stake_period =
                if (self.at_risk_validators.contains(&validator_address)) {
                    let num_epochs = &mut self.at_risk_validators[&validator_address];
                    *num_epochs = *num_epochs + 1;
                } else {
                    self.at_risk_validators.insert(validator_address, 1);
            // If the grace period has passed, the validator has to leave us.
            if (new_low_stake_period > low_stake_grace_period) {
                let validator = self.active_validators.remove(i);
                let removed_stake = self.process_validator_departure(validator, validator_report_records, false /* the validator is kicked out involuntarily */, ctx);
                total_removed_stake = total_removed_stake + removed_stake;
        } else {
            // The validator's stake is lower than the very low threshold so we kick them out immediately.
            let validator = self.active_validators.remove(i);
            let removed_stake = self.process_validator_departure(validator, validator_report_records, false /* the validator is kicked out involuntarily */, ctx);
            total_removed_stake = total_removed_stake + removed_stake;
     // check that pending validators still have sufficient stake to be added. this was checked at the time of
    // request_add_validator, but stake may have been withdrawn, or stakes of other validators may have increased significantly!(|mut validator| {
        let validator_stake = validator.total_stake_amount();
        let voting_power = voting_power::derive_voting_power(validator_stake, initial_total_stake);
        if (voting_power >= min_joining_voting_power_threshold) {
                ValidatorJoinEvent {
                    epoch: ctx.epoch(),
                    validator_address: validator.sui_address(),
                    staking_pool_id: staking_pool_id(&validator),
        } else {
            // return validator object to the candidate pool. want to do this directly instead of calling request_add_validator_candidate
            // because staking_pool_mappings already has an entry for this validator, and the duplicate checks are redundant
            self.validator_candidates.add(validator.sui_address(), validator_wrapper::create_v1(validator, ctx));
            total_removed_stake = total_removed_stake + validator_stake;
    // new total stake is the initial total minus the amount removed via validators we kicked out
    initial_total_stake - total_removed_stake

Function effectuate_staged_metadata

Effectutate pending next epoch metadata if they are staged.

fun effectuate_staged_metadata(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet)
Click to open
fun effectuate_staged_metadata(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
) {
    let num_validators = self.active_validators.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < num_validators) {
        let validator = &mut self.active_validators[i];
        i = i + 1;

Function derive_reference_gas_price

Called by sui_system to derive reference gas price for the new epoch. Derive the reference gas price based on the gas price quote submitted by each validator. The returned gas price should be greater than or equal to 2/3 of the validators submitted gas price, weighted by stake.

public fun derive_reference_gas_price(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet): u64
Click to open
public fun derive_reference_gas_price(self: &ValidatorSet): u64 {
    let vs = &self.active_validators;
    let num_validators = vs.length();
    let mut entries = vector[];
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < num_validators) {
        let v = &vs[i];
            pq::new_entry(v.gas_price(), v.voting_power())
        i = i + 1;
    // Build a priority queue that will pop entries with gas price from the highest to the lowest.
    let mut pq = pq::new(entries);
    let mut sum = 0;
    let threshold = voting_power::total_voting_power() - voting_power::quorum_threshold();
    let mut result = 0;
    while (sum < threshold) {
        let (gas_price, voting_power) = pq.pop_max();
        result = gas_price;
        sum = sum + voting_power;

Function total_stake

public fun total_stake(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet): u64
Click to open
public fun total_stake(self: &ValidatorSet): u64 {

Function validator_total_stake_amount

public fun validator_total_stake_amount(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator_address: address): u64
Click to open
public fun validator_total_stake_amount(self: &ValidatorSet, validator_address: address): u64 {
    let validator = get_validator_ref(&self.active_validators, validator_address);

Function validator_stake_amount

public fun validator_stake_amount(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator_address: address): u64
Click to open
public fun validator_stake_amount(self: &ValidatorSet, validator_address: address): u64 {
    let validator = get_validator_ref(&self.active_validators, validator_address);

Function validator_voting_power

public fun validator_voting_power(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator_address: address): u64
Click to open
public fun validator_voting_power(self: &ValidatorSet, validator_address: address): u64 {
    let validator = get_validator_ref(&self.active_validators, validator_address);

Function validator_staking_pool_id

public fun validator_staking_pool_id(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator_address: address): sui::object::ID
Click to open
public fun validator_staking_pool_id(self: &ValidatorSet, validator_address: address): ID {
    let validator = get_validator_ref(&self.active_validators, validator_address);

Function staking_pool_mappings

public fun staking_pool_mappings(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet): &sui::table::Table<sui::object::ID, address>
Click to open
public fun staking_pool_mappings(self: &ValidatorSet): &Table<ID, address> {

Function validator_address_by_pool_id

public fun validator_address_by_pool_id(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, pool_id: &sui::object::ID): address
Click to open
public fun validator_address_by_pool_id(self: &mut ValidatorSet, pool_id: &ID): address {
    // If the pool id is recorded in the mapping, then it must be either candidate or active.
    if (self.staking_pool_mappings.contains(*pool_id)) {
    } else { // otherwise it's inactive
        let wrapper = &mut self.inactive_validators[*pool_id];
        let validator = wrapper.load_validator_maybe_upgrade();

Function pool_exchange_rates

public(package) fun pool_exchange_rates(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, pool_id: &sui::object::ID): &sui::table::Table<u64, sui_system::staking_pool::PoolTokenExchangeRate>
Click to open
public(package) fun pool_exchange_rates(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet, pool_id: &ID
) : &Table<u64, PoolTokenExchangeRate> {
    let validator =
        // If the pool id is recorded in the mapping, then it must be either candidate or active.
        if (self.staking_pool_mappings.contains(*pool_id)) {
            let validator_address = self.staking_pool_mappings[*pool_id];
            get_active_or_pending_or_candidate_validator_ref(self, validator_address, ANY_VALIDATOR)
        } else { // otherwise it's inactive
            let wrapper = &mut self.inactive_validators[*pool_id];

Function next_epoch_validator_count

Get the total number of validators in the next epoch.

public(package) fun next_epoch_validator_count(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet): u64
Click to open
public(package) fun next_epoch_validator_count(self: &ValidatorSet): u64 {
    self.active_validators.length() - self.pending_removals.length() + self.pending_active_validators.length()

Function is_active_validator_by_sui_address

Returns true iff the address exists in active validators.

public(package) fun is_active_validator_by_sui_address(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator_address: address): bool
Click to open
public(package) fun is_active_validator_by_sui_address(
    self: &ValidatorSet,
    validator_address: address,
): bool {
   find_validator(&self.active_validators, validator_address).is_some()

Function is_duplicate_with_active_validator

Checks whether new_validator is duplicate with any currently active validators. It differs from is_active_validator_by_sui_address in that the former checks only the sui address but this function looks at more metadata.

fun is_duplicate_with_active_validator(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, new_validator: &sui_system::validator::Validator): bool
Click to open
fun is_duplicate_with_active_validator(self: &ValidatorSet, new_validator: &Validator): bool {
    is_duplicate_validator(&self.active_validators, new_validator)

Function is_duplicate_validator

public(package) fun is_duplicate_validator(validators: &vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>, new_validator: &sui_system::validator::Validator): bool
Click to open
public(package) fun is_duplicate_validator(validators: &vector<Validator>, new_validator: &Validator): bool {
    count_duplicates_vec(validators, new_validator) > 0

Function count_duplicates_vec

fun count_duplicates_vec(validators: &vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>, validator: &sui_system::validator::Validator): u64
Click to open
fun count_duplicates_vec(validators: &vector<Validator>, validator: &Validator): u64 {
    let len = validators.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    let mut result = 0;
    while (i < len) {
        let v = &validators[i];
        if (v.is_duplicate(validator)) {
            result = result + 1;
        i = i + 1;

Function is_duplicate_with_pending_validator

Checks whether new_validator is duplicate with any currently pending validators.

fun is_duplicate_with_pending_validator(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, new_validator: &sui_system::validator::Validator): bool
Click to open
fun is_duplicate_with_pending_validator(self: &ValidatorSet, new_validator: &Validator): bool {
    count_duplicates_tablevec(&self.pending_active_validators, new_validator) > 0

Function count_duplicates_tablevec

fun count_duplicates_tablevec(validators: &sui::table_vec::TableVec<sui_system::validator::Validator>, validator: &sui_system::validator::Validator): u64
Click to open
fun count_duplicates_tablevec(validators: &TableVec<Validator>, validator: &Validator): u64 {
    let len = validators.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    let mut result = 0;
    while (i < len) {
        let v = &validators[i];
        if (v.is_duplicate(validator)) {
            result = result + 1;
        i = i + 1;

Function get_candidate_or_active_validator_mut

Get mutable reference to either a candidate or an active validator by address.

fun get_candidate_or_active_validator_mut(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator_address: address): &mut sui_system::validator::Validator
Click to open
fun get_candidate_or_active_validator_mut(self: &mut ValidatorSet, validator_address: address): &mut Validator {
    if (self.validator_candidates.contains(validator_address)) {
        let wrapper = &mut self.validator_candidates[validator_address];
        return wrapper.load_validator_maybe_upgrade()
    get_validator_mut(&mut self.active_validators, validator_address)

Function find_validator

Find validator by validator_address, in validators. Returns (true, index) if the validator is found, and the index is its index in the list. If not found, returns (false, 0).

fun find_validator(validators: &vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>, validator_address: address): std::option::Option<u64>
Click to open
fun find_validator(validators: &vector<Validator>, validator_address: address): Option<u64> {
    let length = validators.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < length) {
        let v = &validators[i];
        if (v.sui_address() == validator_address) {
            return option::some(i)
        i = i + 1;

Function find_validator_from_table_vec

Find validator by validator_address, in validators. Returns (true, index) if the validator is found, and the index is its index in the list. If not found, returns (false, 0).

fun find_validator_from_table_vec(validators: &sui::table_vec::TableVec<sui_system::validator::Validator>, validator_address: address): std::option::Option<u64>
Click to open
fun find_validator_from_table_vec(validators: &TableVec<Validator>, validator_address: address): Option<u64> {
    let length = validators.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < length) {
        let v = &validators[i];
        if (v.sui_address() == validator_address) {
            return option::some(i)
        i = i + 1;

Function get_validator_indices

Given a vector of validator addresses, return their indices in the validator set. Aborts if any address isn't in the given validator set.

fun get_validator_indices(validators: &vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>, validator_addresses: &vector<address>): vector<u64>
Click to open
fun get_validator_indices(validators: &vector<Validator>, validator_addresses: &vector<address>): vector<u64> {
    let length = validator_addresses.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    let mut res = vector[];
    while (i < length) {
        let addr = validator_addresses[i];
        let index_opt = find_validator(validators, addr);
        assert!(index_opt.is_some(), ENotAValidator);
        i = i + 1;

Function get_validator_mut

public(package) fun get_validator_mut(validators: &mut vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>, validator_address: address): &mut sui_system::validator::Validator
Click to open
public(package) fun get_validator_mut(
    validators: &mut vector<Validator>,
    validator_address: address,
): &mut Validator {
    let mut validator_index_opt = find_validator(validators, validator_address);
    assert!(validator_index_opt.is_some(), ENotAValidator);
    let validator_index = validator_index_opt.extract();
    &mut validators[validator_index]

Function get_active_or_pending_or_candidate_validator_mut

Get mutable reference to an active or (if active does not exist) pending or (if pending and active do not exist) or candidate validator by address. Note: this function should be called carefully, only after verifying the transaction sender has the ability to modify the Validator.

fun get_active_or_pending_or_candidate_validator_mut(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator_address: address, include_candidate: bool): &mut sui_system::validator::Validator
Click to open
fun get_active_or_pending_or_candidate_validator_mut(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    validator_address: address,
    include_candidate: bool,
): &mut Validator {
    let mut validator_index_opt = find_validator(&self.active_validators, validator_address);
    if (validator_index_opt.is_some()) {
        let validator_index = validator_index_opt.extract();
        return &mut self.active_validators[validator_index]
    let mut validator_index_opt = find_validator_from_table_vec(&self.pending_active_validators, validator_address);
    // consider both pending validators and the candidate ones
    if (validator_index_opt.is_some()) {
        let validator_index = validator_index_opt.extract();
        return &mut self.pending_active_validators[validator_index]
    assert!(include_candidate, ENotActiveOrPendingValidator);
    let wrapper = &mut self.validator_candidates[validator_address];

Function get_validator_mut_with_verified_cap

public(package) fun get_validator_mut_with_verified_cap(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, verified_cap: &sui_system::validator_cap::ValidatorOperationCap, include_candidate: bool): &mut sui_system::validator::Validator
Click to open
public(package) fun get_validator_mut_with_verified_cap(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    verified_cap: &ValidatorOperationCap,
    include_candidate: bool,
): &mut Validator {
    get_active_or_pending_or_candidate_validator_mut(self, *verified_cap.verified_operation_cap_address(), include_candidate)

Function get_validator_mut_with_ctx

public(package) fun get_validator_mut_with_ctx(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, ctx: &sui::tx_context::TxContext): &mut sui_system::validator::Validator
Click to open
public(package) fun get_validator_mut_with_ctx(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    ctx: &TxContext,
): &mut Validator {
    let validator_address = ctx.sender();
    get_active_or_pending_or_candidate_validator_mut(self, validator_address, false)

Function get_validator_mut_with_ctx_including_candidates

public(package) fun get_validator_mut_with_ctx_including_candidates(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, ctx: &sui::tx_context::TxContext): &mut sui_system::validator::Validator
Click to open
public(package) fun get_validator_mut_with_ctx_including_candidates(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    ctx: &TxContext,
): &mut Validator {
    let validator_address = ctx.sender();
    get_active_or_pending_or_candidate_validator_mut(self, validator_address, true)

Function get_validator_ref

fun get_validator_ref(validators: &vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>, validator_address: address): &sui_system::validator::Validator
Click to open
fun get_validator_ref(
    validators: &vector<Validator>,
    validator_address: address,
): &Validator {
    let mut validator_index_opt = find_validator(validators, validator_address);
    assert!(validator_index_opt.is_some(), ENotAValidator);
    let validator_index = validator_index_opt.extract();

Function get_active_or_pending_or_candidate_validator_ref

public(package) fun get_active_or_pending_or_candidate_validator_ref(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator_address: address, which_validator: u8): &sui_system::validator::Validator
Click to open
public(package) fun get_active_or_pending_or_candidate_validator_ref(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    validator_address: address,
    which_validator: u8,
): &Validator {
    let mut validator_index_opt = find_validator(&self.active_validators, validator_address);
    if (validator_index_opt.is_some() || which_validator == ACTIVE_VALIDATOR_ONLY) {
        let validator_index = validator_index_opt.extract();
        return &self.active_validators[validator_index]
    let mut validator_index_opt = find_validator_from_table_vec(&self.pending_active_validators, validator_address);
    if (validator_index_opt.is_some() || which_validator == ACTIVE_OR_PENDING_VALIDATOR) {
        let validator_index = validator_index_opt.extract();
        return &self.pending_active_validators[validator_index]

Function get_active_validator_ref

public fun get_active_validator_ref(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator_address: address): &sui_system::validator::Validator
Click to open
public fun get_active_validator_ref(
    self: &ValidatorSet,
    validator_address: address,
): &Validator {
    let mut validator_index_opt = find_validator(&self.active_validators, validator_address);
    assert!(validator_index_opt.is_some(), ENotAValidator);
    let validator_index = validator_index_opt.extract();

Function get_pending_validator_ref

public fun get_pending_validator_ref(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator_address: address): &sui_system::validator::Validator
Click to open
public fun get_pending_validator_ref(
    self: &ValidatorSet,
    validator_address: address,
): &Validator {
    let mut validator_index_opt = find_validator_from_table_vec(&self.pending_active_validators, validator_address);
    assert!(validator_index_opt.is_some(), ENotAPendingValidator);
    let validator_index = validator_index_opt.extract();

Function verify_cap

Verify the capability is valid for a Validator. If active_validator_only is true, only verify the Cap for an active validator. Otherwise, verify the Cap for au either active or pending validator.

public(package) fun verify_cap(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, cap: &sui_system::validator_cap::UnverifiedValidatorOperationCap, which_validator: u8): sui_system::validator_cap::ValidatorOperationCap
Click to open
public(package) fun verify_cap(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    cap: &UnverifiedValidatorOperationCap,
    which_validator: u8,
): ValidatorOperationCap {
    let cap_address = *cap.unverified_operation_cap_address();
    let validator =
        if (which_validator == ACTIVE_VALIDATOR_ONLY)
            get_active_validator_ref(self, cap_address)
            get_active_or_pending_or_candidate_validator_ref(self, cap_address, which_validator);
    assert!(validator.operation_cap_id() == &object::id(cap), EInvalidCap);

Function process_pending_removals

Process the pending withdraw requests. For each pending request, the validator is removed from validators and its staking pool is put into the inactive_validators table.

fun process_pending_removals(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator_report_records: &mut sui::vec_map::VecMap<address, sui::vec_set::VecSet<address>>, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext)
Click to open
fun process_pending_removals(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    validator_report_records: &mut VecMap<address, VecSet<address>>,
    ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
    sort_removal_list(&mut self.pending_removals);
    while (!self.pending_removals.is_empty()) {
        let index = self.pending_removals.pop_back();
        let validator = self.active_validators.remove(index);
        process_validator_departure(self, validator, validator_report_records, true /* the validator removes itself voluntarily */, ctx);

Function process_validator_departure

Remove validator from self and return the amount of stake that was removed

fun process_validator_departure(self: &mut sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator: sui_system::validator::Validator, validator_report_records: &mut sui::vec_map::VecMap<address, sui::vec_set::VecSet<address>>, is_voluntary: bool, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext): u64
Click to open
fun process_validator_departure(
    self: &mut ValidatorSet,
    mut validator: Validator,
    validator_report_records: &mut VecMap<address, VecSet<address>>,
    is_voluntary: bool,
    ctx: &mut TxContext,
): u64 {
    let new_epoch = ctx.epoch() + 1;
    let validator_address = validator.sui_address();
    let validator_pool_id = staking_pool_id(&validator);
    // Remove the validator from our tables.
    if (self.at_risk_validators.contains(&validator_address)) {
    clean_report_records_leaving_validator(validator_report_records, validator_address);
        ValidatorLeaveEvent {
            epoch: new_epoch,
            staking_pool_id: staking_pool_id(&validator),
    // Deactivate the validator and its staking pool
    let removed_stake = validator.total_stake_amount();
        validator_wrapper::create_v1(validator, ctx),

Function clean_report_records_leaving_validator

fun clean_report_records_leaving_validator(validator_report_records: &mut sui::vec_map::VecMap<address, sui::vec_set::VecSet<address>>, leaving_validator_addr: address)
Click to open
fun clean_report_records_leaving_validator(
    validator_report_records: &mut VecMap<address, VecSet<address>>,
    leaving_validator_addr: address
) {
    // Remove the records about this validator
    if (validator_report_records.contains(&leaving_validator_addr)) {
    // Remove the reports submitted by this validator
    let reported_validators = validator_report_records.keys();
    let length = reported_validators.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < length) {
        let reported_validator_addr = &reported_validators[i];
        let reporters = &mut validator_report_records[reported_validator_addr];
        if (reporters.contains(&leaving_validator_addr)) {
            if (reporters.is_empty()) {
        i = i + 1;

Function sort_removal_list

Sort all the pending removal indexes.

fun sort_removal_list(withdraw_list: &mut vector<u64>)
Click to open
fun sort_removal_list(withdraw_list: &mut vector<u64>) {
    let length = withdraw_list.length();
    let mut i = 1;
    while (i < length) {
        let cur = withdraw_list[i];
        let mut j = i;
        while (j > 0) {
            j = j - 1;
            if (withdraw_list[j] > cur) {
                withdraw_list.swap(j, j + 1);
            } else {
        i = i + 1;

Function process_pending_stakes_and_withdraws

Process all active validators' pending stake deposits and withdraws.

fun process_pending_stakes_and_withdraws(validators: &mut vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>, ctx: &sui::tx_context::TxContext)
Click to open
fun process_pending_stakes_and_withdraws(
    validators: &mut vector<Validator>, ctx: &TxContext
) {
    let length = validators.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < length) {
        let validator = &mut validators[i];
        i = i + 1;

Function calculate_total_stakes

Calculate the total active validator stake.

public(package) fun calculate_total_stakes(validators: &vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>): u64
Click to open
public(package) fun calculate_total_stakes(validators: &vector<Validator>): u64 {
    let mut stake = 0;
    let length = validators.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < length) {
        let v = &validators[i];
        stake = stake + v.total_stake_amount();
        i = i + 1;

Function adjust_stake_and_gas_price

Process the pending stake changes for each validator.

fun adjust_stake_and_gas_price(validators: &mut vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>)
Click to open
fun adjust_stake_and_gas_price(validators: &mut vector<Validator>) {
    let length = validators.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < length) {
        let validator = &mut validators[i];
        i = i + 1;

Function compute_reward_adjustments

Compute both the individual reward adjustments and total reward adjustment for staking rewards as well as storage fund rewards.

fun compute_reward_adjustments(slashed_validator_indices: vector<u64>, reward_slashing_rate: u64, unadjusted_staking_reward_amounts: &vector<u64>, unadjusted_storage_fund_reward_amounts: &vector<u64>): (u64, sui::vec_map::VecMap<u64, u64>, u64, sui::vec_map::VecMap<u64, u64>)
Click to open
fun compute_reward_adjustments(
    mut slashed_validator_indices: vector<u64>,
    reward_slashing_rate: u64,
    unadjusted_staking_reward_amounts: &vector<u64>,
    unadjusted_storage_fund_reward_amounts: &vector<u64>,
): (
    u64, // sum of staking reward adjustments
    VecMap<u64, u64>, // mapping of individual validator's staking reward adjustment from index -> amount
    u64, // sum of storage fund reward adjustments
    VecMap<u64, u64>, // mapping of individual validator's storage fund reward adjustment from index -> amount
) {
    let mut total_staking_reward_adjustment = 0;
    let mut individual_staking_reward_adjustments = vec_map::empty();
    let mut total_storage_fund_reward_adjustment = 0;
    let mut individual_storage_fund_reward_adjustments = vec_map::empty();
    while (!slashed_validator_indices.is_empty()) {
        let validator_index = slashed_validator_indices.pop_back();
        // Use the slashing rate to compute the amount of staking rewards slashed from this punished validator.
        let unadjusted_staking_reward = unadjusted_staking_reward_amounts[validator_index];
        let staking_reward_adjustment_u128 =
            unadjusted_staking_reward as u128 * (reward_slashing_rate as u128)
        // Insert into individual mapping and record into the total adjustment sum.
        individual_staking_reward_adjustments.insert(validator_index, staking_reward_adjustment_u128 as u64);
        total_staking_reward_adjustment = total_staking_reward_adjustment + (staking_reward_adjustment_u128 as u64);
        // Do the same thing for storage fund rewards.
        let unadjusted_storage_fund_reward = unadjusted_storage_fund_reward_amounts[validator_index];
        let storage_fund_reward_adjustment_u128 =
            unadjusted_storage_fund_reward as u128 * (reward_slashing_rate as u128)
        individual_storage_fund_reward_adjustments.insert(validator_index, storage_fund_reward_adjustment_u128 as u64);
        total_storage_fund_reward_adjustment = total_storage_fund_reward_adjustment + (storage_fund_reward_adjustment_u128 as u64);
        total_staking_reward_adjustment, individual_staking_reward_adjustments,
        total_storage_fund_reward_adjustment, individual_storage_fund_reward_adjustments

Function compute_slashed_validators

Process the validator report records of the epoch and return the addresses of the non-performant validators according to the input threshold.

fun compute_slashed_validators(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, validator_report_records: sui::vec_map::VecMap<address, sui::vec_set::VecSet<address>>): vector<address>
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fun compute_slashed_validators(
    self: &ValidatorSet,
    mut validator_report_records: VecMap<address, VecSet<address>>,
): vector<address> {
    let mut slashed_validators = vector[];
    while (!validator_report_records.is_empty()) {
        let (validator_address, reporters) = validator_report_records.pop();
            is_active_validator_by_sui_address(self, validator_address),
        // Sum up the voting power of validators that have reported this validator and check if it has
        // passed the slashing threshold.
        let reporter_votes = sum_voting_power_by_addresses(&self.active_validators, &reporters.into_keys());
        if (reporter_votes >= voting_power::quorum_threshold()) {

Function compute_unadjusted_reward_distribution

Given the current list of active validators, the total stake and total reward, calculate the amount of reward each validator should get, without taking into account the tallying rule results. Returns the unadjusted amounts of staking reward and storage fund reward for each validator.

fun compute_unadjusted_reward_distribution(validators: &vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>, total_voting_power: u64, total_staking_reward: u64, total_storage_fund_reward: u64): (vector<u64>, vector<u64>)
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fun compute_unadjusted_reward_distribution(
    validators: &vector<Validator>,
    total_voting_power: u64,
    total_staking_reward: u64,
    total_storage_fund_reward: u64,
): (vector<u64>, vector<u64>) {
    let mut staking_reward_amounts = vector[];
    let mut storage_fund_reward_amounts = vector[];
    let length = validators.length();
    let storage_fund_reward_per_validator = total_storage_fund_reward / length;
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < length) {
        let validator = &validators[i];
        // Integer divisions will truncate the results. Because of this, we expect that at the end
        // there will be some reward remaining in `total_staking_reward`.
        // Use u128 to avoid multiplication overflow.
        let voting_power: u128 = validator.voting_power() as u128;
        let reward_amount = voting_power * (total_staking_reward as u128) / (total_voting_power as u128);
        staking_reward_amounts.push_back(reward_amount as u64);
        // Storage fund's share of the rewards are equally distributed among validators.
        i = i + 1;
    (staking_reward_amounts, storage_fund_reward_amounts)

Function compute_adjusted_reward_distribution

Use the reward adjustment info to compute the adjusted rewards each validator should get. Returns the staking rewards each validator gets and the storage fund rewards each validator gets. The staking rewards are shared with the stakers while the storage fund ones are not.

fun compute_adjusted_reward_distribution(validators: &vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>, total_voting_power: u64, total_slashed_validator_voting_power: u64, unadjusted_staking_reward_amounts: vector<u64>, unadjusted_storage_fund_reward_amounts: vector<u64>, total_staking_reward_adjustment: u64, individual_staking_reward_adjustments: sui::vec_map::VecMap<u64, u64>, total_storage_fund_reward_adjustment: u64, individual_storage_fund_reward_adjustments: sui::vec_map::VecMap<u64, u64>): (vector<u64>, vector<u64>)
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fun compute_adjusted_reward_distribution(
    validators: &vector<Validator>,
    total_voting_power: u64,
    total_slashed_validator_voting_power: u64,
    unadjusted_staking_reward_amounts: vector<u64>,
    unadjusted_storage_fund_reward_amounts: vector<u64>,
    total_staking_reward_adjustment: u64,
    individual_staking_reward_adjustments: VecMap<u64, u64>,
    total_storage_fund_reward_adjustment: u64,
    individual_storage_fund_reward_adjustments: VecMap<u64, u64>,
): (vector<u64>, vector<u64>) {
    let total_unslashed_validator_voting_power = total_voting_power - total_slashed_validator_voting_power;
    let mut adjusted_staking_reward_amounts = vector[];
    let mut adjusted_storage_fund_reward_amounts = vector[];
    let length = validators.length();
    let num_unslashed_validators = length - individual_staking_reward_adjustments.size();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < length) {
        let validator = &validators[i];
        // Integer divisions will truncate the results. Because of this, we expect that at the end
        // there will be some reward remaining in `total_reward`.
        // Use u128 to avoid multiplication overflow.
        let voting_power = validator.voting_power() as u128;
        // Compute adjusted staking reward.
        let unadjusted_staking_reward_amount = unadjusted_staking_reward_amounts[i];
        let adjusted_staking_reward_amount =
            // If the validator is one of the slashed ones, then subtract the adjustment.
            if (individual_staking_reward_adjustments.contains(&i)) {
                let adjustment = individual_staking_reward_adjustments[&i];
                unadjusted_staking_reward_amount - adjustment
            } else {
                // Otherwise the slashed rewards should be distributed among the unslashed
                // validators so add the corresponding adjustment.
                let adjustment = total_staking_reward_adjustment as u128 * voting_power
                               / (total_unslashed_validator_voting_power as u128);
                unadjusted_staking_reward_amount + (adjustment as u64)
        // Compute adjusted storage fund reward.
        let unadjusted_storage_fund_reward_amount = unadjusted_storage_fund_reward_amounts[i];
        let adjusted_storage_fund_reward_amount =
            // If the validator is one of the slashed ones, then subtract the adjustment.
            if (individual_storage_fund_reward_adjustments.contains(&i)) {
                let adjustment = individual_storage_fund_reward_adjustments[&i];
                unadjusted_storage_fund_reward_amount - adjustment
            } else {
                // Otherwise the slashed rewards should be equally distributed among the unslashed validators.
                let adjustment = total_storage_fund_reward_adjustment / num_unslashed_validators;
                unadjusted_storage_fund_reward_amount + adjustment
        i = i + 1;
    (adjusted_staking_reward_amounts, adjusted_storage_fund_reward_amounts)

Function distribute_reward

fun distribute_reward(validators: &mut vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>, adjusted_staking_reward_amounts: &vector<u64>, adjusted_storage_fund_reward_amounts: &vector<u64>, staking_rewards: &mut sui::balance::Balance<sui::sui::SUI>, storage_fund_reward: &mut sui::balance::Balance<sui::sui::SUI>, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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fun distribute_reward(
    validators: &mut vector<Validator>,
    adjusted_staking_reward_amounts: &vector<u64>,
    adjusted_storage_fund_reward_amounts: &vector<u64>,
    staking_rewards: &mut Balance<SUI>,
    storage_fund_reward: &mut Balance<SUI>,
    ctx: &mut TxContext
) {
    let length = validators.length();
    assert!(length > 0, EValidatorSetEmpty);
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < length) {
        let validator = &mut validators[i];
        let staking_reward_amount = adjusted_staking_reward_amounts[i];
        let mut staker_reward = staking_rewards.split(staking_reward_amount);
        // Validator takes a cut of the rewards as commission.
        let validator_commission_amount = (staking_reward_amount as u128) * (validator.commission_rate() as u128) / BASIS_POINT_DENOMINATOR;
        // The validator reward = storage_fund_reward + commission.
        let mut validator_reward = staker_reward.split(validator_commission_amount as u64);
        // Add storage fund rewards to the validator's reward.
        // Add rewards to the validator. Don't try and distribute rewards though if the payout is zero.
        if (validator_reward.value() > 0) {
            let validator_address = validator.sui_address();
            let rewards_stake = validator.request_add_stake(validator_reward, validator_address, ctx);
            transfer::public_transfer(rewards_stake, validator_address);
        } else {
        // Add rewards to stake staking pool to auto compound for stakers.
        i = i + 1;

Function emit_validator_epoch_events

Emit events containing information of each validator for the epoch, including stakes, rewards, performance, etc.

fun emit_validator_epoch_events(new_epoch: u64, vs: &vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>, pool_staking_reward_amounts: &vector<u64>, storage_fund_staking_reward_amounts: &vector<u64>, report_records: &sui::vec_map::VecMap<address, sui::vec_set::VecSet<address>>, slashed_validators: &vector<address>)
Click to open
fun emit_validator_epoch_events(
    new_epoch: u64,
    vs: &vector<Validator>,
    pool_staking_reward_amounts: &vector<u64>,
    storage_fund_staking_reward_amounts: &vector<u64>,
    report_records: &VecMap<address, VecSet<address>>,
    slashed_validators: &vector<address>,
) {
    let num_validators = vs.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < num_validators) {
        let v = &vs[i];
        let validator_address = v.sui_address();
        let tallying_rule_reporters =
            if (report_records.contains(&validator_address)) {
            } else {
        let tallying_rule_global_score =
            if (slashed_validators.contains(&validator_address)) 0
            else 1;
            ValidatorEpochInfoEventV2 {
                epoch: new_epoch,
                reference_gas_survey_quote: v.gas_price(),
                stake: v.total_stake_amount(),
                voting_power: v.voting_power(),
                commission_rate: v.commission_rate(),
                pool_staking_reward: pool_staking_reward_amounts[i],
                storage_fund_staking_reward: storage_fund_staking_reward_amounts[i],
                pool_token_exchange_rate: v.pool_token_exchange_rate_at_epoch(new_epoch),
        i = i + 1;

Function sum_voting_power_by_addresses

Sum up the total stake of a given list of validator addresses.

public fun sum_voting_power_by_addresses(vs: &vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>, addresses: &vector<address>): u64
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public fun sum_voting_power_by_addresses(vs: &vector<Validator>, addresses: &vector<address>): u64 {
    let mut sum = 0;
    let mut i = 0;
    let length = addresses.length();
    while (i < length) {
        let validator = get_validator_ref(vs, addresses[i]);
        sum = sum + validator.voting_power();
        i = i + 1;

Function active_validators

Return the active validators in self

public fun active_validators(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet): &vector<sui_system::validator::Validator>
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public fun active_validators(self: &ValidatorSet): &vector<Validator> {

Function is_validator_candidate

Returns true if the addr is a validator candidate.

public fun is_validator_candidate(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, addr: address): bool
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public fun is_validator_candidate(self: &ValidatorSet, addr: address): bool {

Function is_active_validator

Returns true if addr is an active validator

public(package) fun is_active_validator(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, addr: address): bool
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public(package) fun is_active_validator(self: &ValidatorSet, addr: address): bool {
    self.active_validators.any!(|v| v.sui_address() == addr)

Function is_inactive_validator

Returns true if the staking pool identified by staking_pool_id is of an inactive validator.

public fun is_inactive_validator(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, staking_pool_id: sui::object::ID): bool
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public fun is_inactive_validator(self: &ValidatorSet, staking_pool_id: ID): bool {

Function is_at_risk_validator

Return true if addr is currently an at-risk validator below the minimum stake for removal

public(package) fun is_at_risk_validator(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet, addr: address): bool
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public(package) fun is_at_risk_validator(self: &ValidatorSet, addr: address): bool {

Function active_validator_addresses

public(package) fun active_validator_addresses(self: &sui_system::validator_set::ValidatorSet): vector<address>
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public(package) fun active_validator_addresses(self: &ValidatorSet): vector<address> {
    let vs = &self.active_validators;
    let mut res = vector[];
    let mut i = 0;
    let length = vs.length();
    while (i < length) {
        let validator_address = vs[i].sui_address();
        i = i + 1;